So, this is the start of my blog. "Does the world really need another one?" you may ask. Possibly not, but Instagram (much though I love it) doesn't allow for going into great detail about things in one entry. So here we are. This blog is a bit of a mishmash, because that's how my mind works; some of it will be about millinery and headpieces; some of it about doll clothes and customising (Blythe and Monster High in particular); parts of it will be about books and films and flower photos and anything else that takes my fancy, because all sorts of things tend to end up being inspiration and influences for my work. So be warned: if you can't cope with a mixture of ribbons and re-rooting (of doll hair); feathers and face-ups (doll repaints); beading and body-mould comparisons, or flowers and fashion, this blog may not be for you! I've had a bit of a thing for headwear for as long as I can remember. I also love feathers, ribbons, beading, small things, and sparkle. And I have a love of renaissance fashion and showgirls; so when I make headpieces those elements tend to make themselves known. I love making petite, detailed pieces, that are like little treasures. Sometimes I'll base a whole piece around a particular type of fabric or ribbon, other times I get fixated on something and it just seeps into whatever I make. A few years ago I fell in love with a book called 'The Night Circus', by Erin Morgenstern, and that's been such an influence that it's spread from headpieces to brooches to doll clothes and Mini Lalaloopsy makeovers, and requires at least one separate blog post all of its own! I love colour and texture and vintage-esque glamour (without slavishly following the style of any particular era), and flowers, and sparkle - sparkle is good. The doll-collecting thing crept up on me over the last few years, and I only really came out of the doll closet last year, when I started posting on Instagram. As a child, I was more fond of teddy bears; I had Sindy and Barbie dolls, but found them rather uninspiring. I was always making miniature rooms and things, and loved sewing. In the back of my mind was the thought of finding interesting dolls to make clothes for - and then, by chance, I happened upon Monster High, and that led me to Blythe and Pullip. I'll save the voyage of discovery for other posts, but I've ended up with various different dolls, some of whom are customized (or in the process of being customized), and all of whom are inspiration to make doll outfits. I'm starting out with dressing gowns - because a girl needs something to wear when she's in-between outfits, or is having a spa session - and then trousers (Sadie, my first Blythe, likes wide-leg trousers), and intend to indulge my love of gorgeous fabrics and sparkle with skirts, dresses, capes, and whatever else I fancy. Oh, and hats! Doll hats: it seemed a natural progression from human headwear to doll headwear; so far it's witch's hats, and top hats, but I have a feeling that bonnets will be putting in an appearance sooner or later... So future posts will cover a crash course in Blythe for beginners - because it's a bit (as in VERY) confusing to the uninitiated, well me, anyway(!), work in progress on clothes and hats, Monster High doll re-roots, and all sorts of other things. Enough for now, I think. I'm aiming to post once or twice a week, with future posts dealing with just one thing at a time (less confusing all round). I hope you've found this interesting/diverting/promising enough to visit again. Happy Sparkles to you!
AuthorSparkle Malarkey Spritzer is a place where I can go into more detail than on my Instagram about work in progress, current obsessions, past projects and anything else that takes my fancy. All photos ©Tonya Robinson unless otherwise stated. Archives
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